Reblogging this for backup reference. 🙂 Credits to the owner.

26 May 2016:
– New procedure for pfSense 2.3 final and post 2.3 releases repos
– Added steps for mysql 5.7


pfSense-cp-auth-onestep is a project that aims to provide a captive portal interface for pfSense 2.x (currently tested on 2.2.x, 2.3-beta, 2.3, 2.31) that doesn’t require the creation of a user account.
In fact, when a user registers, it creates the RADIUS user account and then logs in with that account.
A demo can be found at the following address:http://pfcp.netpower.fr
Initial work based on the excellent work of khan: https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=57260.0

 Preparation of pfSense

In order to work, pfSense needs the following packages: FreeRADIUS, Cron.
Also, some upstream packages are required in order to work.
First we need to fetch some upstream packages:

Additional steps for pfSense 2.3

The repository management has changed in pfSense 2.3, and by default the FreeBSD repository is disabled.
You must edit the file /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/pfSense.conf and set the following value:
FreeBSD: { enabled: yes }
On pfSense 2.3 final and later, you must also edit file /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf and set the following value:
FreeBSD: { enabled: yes }
ATTENTION: Once the packages are installed with pkg command, please set this value to ‘no’ again so updates won’t interfere with pfSense normal functionality.
Installation of packages:
pkg update
pkg install nano git
If your pkg doesn’t find the packages, you may need to reinit the pkg database with;
rm -f /var/db/pkg/*.sqlite
After this, pkg update shall rebuild th e pkg database.

2.1 Installation of MySQL

Although MySQL should be installed on a separate machine, it’s convenient to have a single pfSense box doing the whole authentication.
Installation of MySQL isn’t supported by pfSense, so you’ll have to redo the following steps after every update.

2.1.1 pfSense 2.2 steps

MySQL installation
pkg install mysql56-server
pkg install compat8x-amd64
PHP support
touch /etc/php_dynamodules/mysql
The following command should output mysql and mysqlnd.
php -m | grep mysql

2.1.2 pfSense 2.3 steps

MySQL installation
pkg install mysql56-server
pkg install compat9x-amd64
pkg install php56-mysql
PHP support
The following command should output mysql and mysqlnd.
php -m | grep mysql

2.1.3 Optional steps if mysql57 is used

Edit file /usr/local/my.cnf in order to bind mysql only to loopback interface.
bind-address =
MySQL 5.7 does not allow defaut date 0000-00-00 00:00:00 format anymore.
In order to be able to use the FreeRADIUS schema, edit file /usr/local/my.cnf (or create /var/db/mysql/my.cnf with):

2.1.4 Common steps

We need to allow the MySQL service to start.
echo 'mysql_enable="YES"' > /etc/rc.conf
Also, pfSense won’t start services unless their name finishes by “.sh”
mv /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server.sh

2.1.5 MySQL startup fix

For whatever, pfSense won’t start MySQL sometimes.
In order to fix this, create the following file /usr/local/bin/mysql_relaunch.sh
#!/usr/bin/env sh  

service /mysql-server.sh status > /dev/null
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
        service mysql-server.sh start
Render the file executable
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mysql_relaunch.sh
Install the cron package and add the following entry:
*/1 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/mysql_relaunch.sh
After this, we may launch the mysql service
service mysql-server.sh start
Secure your installation by running the following command and change your root password
Optionnaly, you may create the following password file /root/.my.cnf like this

2.2 FreeRADIUS setup

2.2.1 FreeRADIUS installation

Install the FreeRADIUS2 package via System > Packages > Available
In Services > FreeRADIUS > Users
Add a user called: testu
Set it’s password: testp
in Services > FreeRADIUS > NAS / Clients
Add a NAS user:
Client Shortname: tester
Shared Secret: SuperTest (replace this with a good password)
In Services > FreeRADIUS > Interface
Add the interface the RADIUS server should listen on:
You can now check in Status > System Logs that the server is active
Sep 29 14:54:50	radiusd[10330]: Loaded virtual server <default>
Sep 29 14:54:50	radiusd[13493]: Ready to process requests.
Connect to pfSense via ssh or console and check if FreeRADIUS authenticates (replace SuperTest with your Shared Secret):
radtest testu testp 0 SuperTest
The answer should look like:
Sending Access-Request of id 108 to port 1812
        User-Name = "testu"
        User-Password = "testp"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 0
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=108, length=20
Check authentication in Status > System Logs
Sep 29 15:04:51	radiusd[22223]: Login OK: [testu] (from client pfSense port 0)
#TIP: See https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Testing_FreeRADIUS for tuning and troubleshooting

2.2.2 MySQL FreeRADIUS integration

First we need to create the RADIUS database. Launch the “mysql” program. If you didn’t create the /root/.my.cnf password file, launch “mysql -p” and execute the following statements:
We also have to get a copy of the sql files needed for the captive portal.
You can fetch them via wget at http://netpower.fr/sites/default/files/2016-03/pfSense-cp-auth-onestep.gz or directly via git:
cd /root
git clone https://github.com/deajan/pfSense-cp-auth-onestep
cd /root/pfSense-cp-auth-onestep/sql
We need to integrate every .sql file into the radius database. Please execute the admin.sql file at last because it contains definitions for the other files. Add “-p” to myql if you don’t have created the password file.
Before running those commands, modify the admin.sql file in order to replace the default password ‘radpass’. (Use vi or nano if installed).
mysql radius < cui.sql
mysql radius < nas.sql
mysql radius < radippool.sql
mysql radius < schema.sql
mysql radius < wimax.sql
mysql radius < reg_users.sql
mysql radius < admin.sql
Activate SQL support in Services > FreeRADIUS > SQL:
Enable SQL Support: Enable
Enable SQL Authorization: Enable
Enable SQL Accounting: Enable
Enable SQL Session: Enable
Enable SQL Post-Auth: Enable
Server IP Address –>
Server Port –> 3306
Server Database -> radius
Server User -> radius
Server Password -> radpass (replace with your database password).
MySQL authentication test
Execute the following command (replace SuperTest with your Shared Secret):
radtest testu testp 0 SuperTest
The radpostauth table should contain the authentication info:
mysql -p -e "SELECT * FROM radpostauth;" radius
| id | username | pass  | reply         | authdate            |
|  1 | testu    | testp | Access-Accept | 2015-09-29 15:13:24 |

2.3 Enable captive portal

2.3.1 Setup

Grab a copy of the pfSense-pfcp-auth-onestep files via github or via the following link http://netpower.fr/sites/default/files/2016-03/pfSense-cp-auth-onestep.gz
Uncompress the file and edit captiveportal-config.php to meet your settings, especially the database password.
Create a new zone in Services > Captive Portal . Example “PUBLICWIFI”
In Services > Captive Portal > File Manager, upload all the files from pfSense-pfcp-auth-onestep beginning with “captiveportal-*”
The following files need to be uploaded:
image: 0_home_badmin_Documents_pfsense-pfcp-auth-onestep_captiveportal_files.png
#TIP: I had trouble with uploading the files in pfSense 2.2.6. After every 3 files, I had to restart WebConfigurator via ssh.
We Can now enable the captive portal on the LAN interface or whatever interface you need.
We also need to activate RADIUS authentication:
Port: 1812
Shared Secret: SuperTest (or your Shared Secret)
Radius Protocol: PAP
Account Check:
Send RADIUS accounting packets: Enable
Port: 1813
Accounting updates: stop/start accounting (FreeRADIUS if available)
RADIUS NAS IP attribue: LAN IP (or whatever interface you selected)
Portal page contesnts: Upload file ozy-captive.php
Redirection URL: Whatever you’d like, example: http://www.google.com

2.3.2 Testing

Once enabled, you can open a browser and enter any domain. You should end on the captive portal page.
You may access directly to the captive portal via http://%5BpfSenseIP%5D:8002
#TIP: Your computer should use DHCP and use the pfSense IP as DNS server or the redirection won’t work.
If the redirection still doesn’t work, check that the DNS Resolver service is running without the forwarding mode.
Also, if your computer already has the domain in DNS cache, you may have to flush dns cache.
On Linux:
service nscd restart
On Windows:
ipconfig /flushdns
At least, close and reopen your browser so it would make a new DNS query.

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